Wei Hao, Zixi Wang, Lauren Hong, Lingxiao Li, Nader Karayanni, Chengzhi Mao, Junfeng Yang, Asaf Cidon
Nazar: Monitoring and Adapting ML Models on Mobile Devices
Jianan Lu, Ashwini Raina, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
Fusion: An Analytics Object Store Optimized for Query Pushdown
Pierre Tholoniat*, Kelly Kostopoulou*, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Mathias Lécuyer, Roxana Geambasu, Junfeng Yang
Efficiently Packing Privacy Budget with DPack
Eurosys 2025
Pierre Tholoniat*, Kelly Kostopoulou*, Peter McNeely, Prabhpreet Singh Sodhi, Anirudh Varanasi, Benjamin Case, Asaf Cidon, Mathias Lécuyer, Roxana Geambasu
Cookie Monster: Efficient On-Device Budgeting for Differentially-Private Ad-Measurement Systems
SOSP 2024
Feitong Qiao, Yiming Fang, Asaf Cidon
Energy-Aware Process Scheduling in Linux
HotCarbon 2024 [pdf]
Tal Zussman, Teng Jiang, Asaf Cidon
Custom Page Fault Handling With eBPF
eBPF Workshop 2024 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Sebastian Burckhardt, Reuben Bond, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang, Philip A. Bernstein
Cloud Actor-Oriented Database Transactions in Orleans
VLDB 2024 [pdf]
Wei Hao, Daniel Mendoza, Rafael Mendes, Deepak Narayanan, Amar Phanishayee, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
MGit: A Model Versioning and Management System
ICML 2024 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong, Daniel Berger, Carl Waldspurger, Ryan Wee, Ishwar Agarwal, Rajat Agarwal, Frank Hady, Karthik Kumar, Mark D. Hill, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon
Managing Memory Tiers with CXL in Virtualized Environments
OSDI 2024 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Philip A. Bernstein, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Chablis: Fast and General Transactions in Geo-Distributed Systems
Best Paper Award
CIDR 2024 [pdf]
Haoda Wang, Steven Myint, Vandi Verma, Yonatan Winetraub, Junfeng Yang, Asaf Cidon
Mars Attacks! Software Protection Against Space Radiation
HotNets 2023 [pdf]
Kelly Kostopoulou*, Pierre Tholoniat*, Asaf Cidon, Roxana Geambasu, Mathias Lécuyer
Effective Caching in Differentially-Private Databases
SOSP 2023 [pdf] [demo]
Haoyu Li, Sheng Jiang, Chen Chen, Ashwini Raina, Xingyu Zhu, Changxu Luo, Asaf Cidon
RubbleDB: CPU-Efficient Replication with NVMe-oF
ATC 2023 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Xincheng Xie, Philip A. Bernstein, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Chardonnay: Fast and General Datacenter Transactions for On-Disk Databases
OSDI 2023 [pdf]
Midhul Vuppalapati, Giannis Fikioris, Rachit Agarwal, Asaf Cidon, Anurag Khandelwal, Eva Tardos
Karma: Resource Allocation for Dynamic Demands
OSDI 2023 [pdf]
Hasan Al Maruf, Yuhong Zhong, Hongyi Wang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Carl Waldspurger
Memtrade: Marketplace for Disaggregated Memory on Clouds
SIGMETRICS 2023 [pdf]
Ashwini Raina, Jianan Lu, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
Efficient Compactions Between Storage Tiers with PrismDB
ASPLOS 2023 [pdf]
Thomas Anderson, Adam Belay, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Irene Zhang
Treehouse: A Case For Carbon-Aware Datacenter Software
HotCarbon 2022 [link]
Nextplatform [link]
Tamer Eldeeb, Zhengneng Chen, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Neuroshard: Towards Automatic Multi-objective Sharding with Deep Reinforcement Learning
aiDM 2022 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong, Haoyu Li, Yu Jian Wu, Ioannis Zarkadas, Jeffrey Tao, Evan Mesterhazy, Michael Makris, Junfeng Yang, Amy Tai, Ryan Stutsman, Asaf Cidon
XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF
Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award
OSDI 2022 [pdf]
Also appeared in eBPF Summit 2022
Also appeared in NVMW 2023
Hongyu Zhu, Ruofan Wu, Yijia Diao, Shanbin Ke, Haoyu Li, Chen Zhang, Jilong Xue, Lingxiao Ma, Yuqing Xia, Wei Tsui, Fan Yang, Mao Yang, Lidong Zhou, Asaf Cidon, Gennady Pekhimenko
Roller: Fast and Efficient Tensor Compilation for Deep Learning
OSDI 2022 [pdf]
Wei Hao, Aahil Awatramani, Jiayang Hu, Chengzhi Mao, Pin-Chun Chen, Eyal Cidon, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
A Tale of Two Models: Constructing Evasive Attacks on Edge Models
MLSys 2022 [pdf]
Youngmoon Lee*, Hasan Al Maruf*, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Kang G. Shin (* equal contribution)
Hydra: Resilient and Highly Available Remote Memory
FAST 2022 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong*, Hongyi Wang*, Yu Jian Wu*, Asaf Cidon, Ryan Stutsman, Amy Tai, Junfeng Yang (* equal contribution)
BPF for Storage: An Exokernel-Inspired Approach
HotOS 2021 [pdf]
Hacker News [link]
Tao Luo*, Mingen Pan*, Pierre Tholoniat*, Asaf Cidon, Roxana Geambasu, Mathias Lecuyer (* equal contribution)
Privacy Budget Scheduling and Orchestration
OSDI 2021 [pdf]
Eyal Cidon*, Evgenya Pergament*, Zain Asgar, Asaf Cidon, Sachin Katti (* equal contribution)
Characterizing and Taming Model Instability Across Edge Devices
MLSys 2021 [pdf]
Yizheng Chen, Shiqi Wang, Weifan Jiang, Asaf Cidon, Suman Jana
Training Robust Tree Ensembles for Security
Usenix Security 2021 [pdf]
Neil Shah, Grant Ho, Marco Schweighauser, Mohamed Ibrahim, Asaf Cidon, David Wagner
A Large-Scale Analysis of Attacker Activity in Compromised Enterprise Accounts
MLHat 2020 [extended version pdf]
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Itay Bleier, Nadia Korshun, Marco Schweighauser, Alexey Tsitkin
High Precision Detection of Business Email Compromise
Usenix Security 2019 [pdf]
Grant Ho, Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Marco Schweighauser, Vern Paxson, Stefan Savage, Geoff M. Voelker and David Wagner
Examining Lateral Phishing at Scale
Distinguished Paper Award
Usenix Security 2019 [pdf] [extended version pdf]
The Morning Paper [link]
Amy Tai, Andrew Kryczka, Shobhit Kanaujia, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J. Freedman and Asaf Cidon
Who's Afraid of Uncorrectable Bit Errors? Online Recovery of Flash Errors with Distributed Redundancy
ATC 2019 [pdf] [video]
Also appeared in NVMW 2020 (memorable paper award finalist)
Assaf Eisenman, Maxim Naumov, Darryl Gardner, Misha Smelyanskiy, Sergey Pupyrev, Kim Hazelwood, Uladzimir Pashkevich, Asaf Cidon and Sachin Katti
Bandana: Using Non-volatile Memory for Storing Deep Learning Models
SysML 2019 [pdf]
Assaf Eisenman, Asaf Cidon, Evgenya Pergament, Or Haimovich, Ryan Stutsman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Flashield: a Key-value Cache that Minimizes Writes to Flash
NSDI 2019 [pdf]
Assaf Eisenman, Darryl Gardner, Islam AbdelRahman, Jens Axboe, Siying Dong, Kim Hazelwood, Asaf Cidon and Sachin Katti
Reducing DRAM Footprint with NVM in Facebook
Best Poster Award
Eurosys 2018 [pdf]
Also appeared in: Systor 2018 (highlight paper), NVMW 2019 (presentation paper)
Linux patch [link]
Hacker News [link]
The Morning Paper [link]
Nathan Beckmann, Haoxian Chen and Asaf Cidon
LHD: Improving Cache Hit Rate by Maximizing Hit Density
NSDI 2018 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Hacker News [link]
Asaf Cidon, Daniel Rushton, Stephen M. Rumble and Ryan Stutsman
Memshare: a Dynamic Multi-tenant Memory Key-value Cache
ATC 2017 [pdf] [slides]
Asaf Cidon, Assaf Eisenman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Cliffhanger: Scaling Performance Cliffs in Web Memory Caches
NSDI 2016 [pdf] [slides] [code]
The Morning Paper [link]
Asaf Cidon, Robert Escriva, Sachin Katti, Mendel Rosenblum and Emin Gun Sirer
Tiered Replication: An Efficient Alternative to Full Cluster Geo-replication
ATC 2015 [pdf] [slides]
Adopted in Chartbeat's Kafka implementation.
Asaf Cidon, Assaf Eisenman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Dynacache: Dynamic Cloud Caching
HotCloud 2015 [pdf] [slides]
Asaf Cidon, Ryan Stutsman, Stephen Rumble, Sachin Katti, John Ousterhout and Mendel Rosenblum
Copysets: Reducing the Frequency of Data Loss in Cloud Storage
Best Student Paper Award
ATC 2013 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Adopted in Facebook's Tectonic file system and LogDevices, FoundationDB (used by Apple and Snowflake), Rubrik, Apache Ozone, CockroachDB, Tibco ActiveSpaces, Tencent, and HyperDex.
Asaf Cidon, Kanthi Nagaraj, Sachin Katti and Pramod Viswanath
Flashback: Decoupled Lightweight Wireless Control
Sigcomm 2012 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Asaf Cidon*, Tomer M London*, Sachin Katti, Christos Kozyrakis and Mendel Rosenblum
MARS: adaptive remote execution for multi-threaded mobile devices
MobiHeld 2011 [pdf] [slides]
Alexander Shraer, Christian Cachin, Asaf Cidon, Idit Keidar, Yan Michalevsky and Dani Shaket
Venus: verification for untrusted cloud storage
CCSW 2010 [pdf]
Nazar: Monitoring and Adapting ML Models on Mobile Devices
Jianan Lu, Ashwini Raina, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
Fusion: An Analytics Object Store Optimized for Query Pushdown
Pierre Tholoniat*, Kelly Kostopoulou*, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Mathias Lécuyer, Roxana Geambasu, Junfeng Yang
Efficiently Packing Privacy Budget with DPack
Eurosys 2025
Pierre Tholoniat*, Kelly Kostopoulou*, Peter McNeely, Prabhpreet Singh Sodhi, Anirudh Varanasi, Benjamin Case, Asaf Cidon, Mathias Lécuyer, Roxana Geambasu
Cookie Monster: Efficient On-Device Budgeting for Differentially-Private Ad-Measurement Systems
SOSP 2024
Feitong Qiao, Yiming Fang, Asaf Cidon
Energy-Aware Process Scheduling in Linux
HotCarbon 2024 [pdf]
Tal Zussman, Teng Jiang, Asaf Cidon
Custom Page Fault Handling With eBPF
eBPF Workshop 2024 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Sebastian Burckhardt, Reuben Bond, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang, Philip A. Bernstein
Cloud Actor-Oriented Database Transactions in Orleans
VLDB 2024 [pdf]
Wei Hao, Daniel Mendoza, Rafael Mendes, Deepak Narayanan, Amar Phanishayee, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
MGit: A Model Versioning and Management System
ICML 2024 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong, Daniel Berger, Carl Waldspurger, Ryan Wee, Ishwar Agarwal, Rajat Agarwal, Frank Hady, Karthik Kumar, Mark D. Hill, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon
Managing Memory Tiers with CXL in Virtualized Environments
OSDI 2024 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Philip A. Bernstein, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Chablis: Fast and General Transactions in Geo-Distributed Systems
Best Paper Award
CIDR 2024 [pdf]
Haoda Wang, Steven Myint, Vandi Verma, Yonatan Winetraub, Junfeng Yang, Asaf Cidon
Mars Attacks! Software Protection Against Space Radiation
HotNets 2023 [pdf]
Kelly Kostopoulou*, Pierre Tholoniat*, Asaf Cidon, Roxana Geambasu, Mathias Lécuyer
Effective Caching in Differentially-Private Databases
SOSP 2023 [pdf] [demo]
Haoyu Li, Sheng Jiang, Chen Chen, Ashwini Raina, Xingyu Zhu, Changxu Luo, Asaf Cidon
RubbleDB: CPU-Efficient Replication with NVMe-oF
ATC 2023 [pdf]
Tamer Eldeeb, Xincheng Xie, Philip A. Bernstein, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Chardonnay: Fast and General Datacenter Transactions for On-Disk Databases
OSDI 2023 [pdf]
Midhul Vuppalapati, Giannis Fikioris, Rachit Agarwal, Asaf Cidon, Anurag Khandelwal, Eva Tardos
Karma: Resource Allocation for Dynamic Demands
OSDI 2023 [pdf]
Hasan Al Maruf, Yuhong Zhong, Hongyi Wang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Carl Waldspurger
Memtrade: Marketplace for Disaggregated Memory on Clouds
SIGMETRICS 2023 [pdf]
Ashwini Raina, Jianan Lu, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
Efficient Compactions Between Storage Tiers with PrismDB
ASPLOS 2023 [pdf]
Thomas Anderson, Adam Belay, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Irene Zhang
Treehouse: A Case For Carbon-Aware Datacenter Software
HotCarbon 2022 [link]
Nextplatform [link]
Tamer Eldeeb, Zhengneng Chen, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
Neuroshard: Towards Automatic Multi-objective Sharding with Deep Reinforcement Learning
aiDM 2022 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong, Haoyu Li, Yu Jian Wu, Ioannis Zarkadas, Jeffrey Tao, Evan Mesterhazy, Michael Makris, Junfeng Yang, Amy Tai, Ryan Stutsman, Asaf Cidon
XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF
Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award
OSDI 2022 [pdf]
Also appeared in eBPF Summit 2022
Also appeared in NVMW 2023
Hongyu Zhu, Ruofan Wu, Yijia Diao, Shanbin Ke, Haoyu Li, Chen Zhang, Jilong Xue, Lingxiao Ma, Yuqing Xia, Wei Tsui, Fan Yang, Mao Yang, Lidong Zhou, Asaf Cidon, Gennady Pekhimenko
Roller: Fast and Efficient Tensor Compilation for Deep Learning
OSDI 2022 [pdf]
Wei Hao, Aahil Awatramani, Jiayang Hu, Chengzhi Mao, Pin-Chun Chen, Eyal Cidon, Asaf Cidon, Junfeng Yang
A Tale of Two Models: Constructing Evasive Attacks on Edge Models
MLSys 2022 [pdf]
Youngmoon Lee*, Hasan Al Maruf*, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Kang G. Shin (* equal contribution)
Hydra: Resilient and Highly Available Remote Memory
FAST 2022 [pdf]
Yuhong Zhong*, Hongyi Wang*, Yu Jian Wu*, Asaf Cidon, Ryan Stutsman, Amy Tai, Junfeng Yang (* equal contribution)
BPF for Storage: An Exokernel-Inspired Approach
HotOS 2021 [pdf]
Hacker News [link]
Tao Luo*, Mingen Pan*, Pierre Tholoniat*, Asaf Cidon, Roxana Geambasu, Mathias Lecuyer (* equal contribution)
Privacy Budget Scheduling and Orchestration
OSDI 2021 [pdf]
Eyal Cidon*, Evgenya Pergament*, Zain Asgar, Asaf Cidon, Sachin Katti (* equal contribution)
Characterizing and Taming Model Instability Across Edge Devices
MLSys 2021 [pdf]
Yizheng Chen, Shiqi Wang, Weifan Jiang, Asaf Cidon, Suman Jana
Training Robust Tree Ensembles for Security
Usenix Security 2021 [pdf]
Neil Shah, Grant Ho, Marco Schweighauser, Mohamed Ibrahim, Asaf Cidon, David Wagner
A Large-Scale Analysis of Attacker Activity in Compromised Enterprise Accounts
MLHat 2020 [extended version pdf]
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Itay Bleier, Nadia Korshun, Marco Schweighauser, Alexey Tsitkin
High Precision Detection of Business Email Compromise
Usenix Security 2019 [pdf]
Grant Ho, Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Marco Schweighauser, Vern Paxson, Stefan Savage, Geoff M. Voelker and David Wagner
Examining Lateral Phishing at Scale
Distinguished Paper Award
Usenix Security 2019 [pdf] [extended version pdf]
The Morning Paper [link]
Amy Tai, Andrew Kryczka, Shobhit Kanaujia, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J. Freedman and Asaf Cidon
Who's Afraid of Uncorrectable Bit Errors? Online Recovery of Flash Errors with Distributed Redundancy
ATC 2019 [pdf] [video]
Also appeared in NVMW 2020 (memorable paper award finalist)
Assaf Eisenman, Maxim Naumov, Darryl Gardner, Misha Smelyanskiy, Sergey Pupyrev, Kim Hazelwood, Uladzimir Pashkevich, Asaf Cidon and Sachin Katti
Bandana: Using Non-volatile Memory for Storing Deep Learning Models
SysML 2019 [pdf]
Assaf Eisenman, Asaf Cidon, Evgenya Pergament, Or Haimovich, Ryan Stutsman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Flashield: a Key-value Cache that Minimizes Writes to Flash
NSDI 2019 [pdf]
Assaf Eisenman, Darryl Gardner, Islam AbdelRahman, Jens Axboe, Siying Dong, Kim Hazelwood, Asaf Cidon and Sachin Katti
Reducing DRAM Footprint with NVM in Facebook
Best Poster Award
Eurosys 2018 [pdf]
Also appeared in: Systor 2018 (highlight paper), NVMW 2019 (presentation paper)
Linux patch [link]
Hacker News [link]
The Morning Paper [link]
Nathan Beckmann, Haoxian Chen and Asaf Cidon
LHD: Improving Cache Hit Rate by Maximizing Hit Density
NSDI 2018 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Hacker News [link]
Asaf Cidon, Daniel Rushton, Stephen M. Rumble and Ryan Stutsman
Memshare: a Dynamic Multi-tenant Memory Key-value Cache
ATC 2017 [pdf] [slides]
Asaf Cidon, Assaf Eisenman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Cliffhanger: Scaling Performance Cliffs in Web Memory Caches
NSDI 2016 [pdf] [slides] [code]
The Morning Paper [link]
Asaf Cidon, Robert Escriva, Sachin Katti, Mendel Rosenblum and Emin Gun Sirer
Tiered Replication: An Efficient Alternative to Full Cluster Geo-replication
ATC 2015 [pdf] [slides]
Adopted in Chartbeat's Kafka implementation.
Asaf Cidon, Assaf Eisenman, Mohammad Alizadeh and Sachin Katti
Dynacache: Dynamic Cloud Caching
HotCloud 2015 [pdf] [slides]
Asaf Cidon, Ryan Stutsman, Stephen Rumble, Sachin Katti, John Ousterhout and Mendel Rosenblum
Copysets: Reducing the Frequency of Data Loss in Cloud Storage
Best Student Paper Award
ATC 2013 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Adopted in Facebook's Tectonic file system and LogDevices, FoundationDB (used by Apple and Snowflake), Rubrik, Apache Ozone, CockroachDB, Tibco ActiveSpaces, Tencent, and HyperDex.
Asaf Cidon, Kanthi Nagaraj, Sachin Katti and Pramod Viswanath
Flashback: Decoupled Lightweight Wireless Control
Sigcomm 2012 [pdf] [slides] [video]
Asaf Cidon*, Tomer M London*, Sachin Katti, Christos Kozyrakis and Mendel Rosenblum
MARS: adaptive remote execution for multi-threaded mobile devices
MobiHeld 2011 [pdf] [slides]
Alexander Shraer, Christian Cachin, Asaf Cidon, Idit Keidar, Yan Michalevsky and Dani Shaket
Venus: verification for untrusted cloud storage
CCSW 2010 [pdf]
Program Committee Member / Reviewer
2025: ASPLOS
2024: TOS, HotCarbon, eBPF workshop
2023: OSDI, HotCarbon
2022: OSDI, NSDI, TOS, HotCarbon
2020: NSDI, Eurosys
2019: NSDI, ATC
2025: ASPLOS
2024: TOS, HotCarbon, eBPF workshop
2023: OSDI, HotCarbon
2022: OSDI, NSDI, TOS, HotCarbon
2020: NSDI, Eurosys
2019: NSDI, ATC
Mohamed Hosam Afifi Ibrahim, Marco Schweighauser, Asaf Cidon
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation utilizing AI models
US Patent Application 16/949,863, Filed: November 2020
Mohamed Hosam Afifi Ibrahim, Marco Schweighauser, Asaf Cidon
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation utilizing anonymized datasets
US Patent Application 16/949,864, Filed: November 2020
Marco Schweighauser, Lior Gavish, Itay Bleier, Asaf Cidon
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation
US Patent Application 16/947,074, Filed: July 2020
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for electronic messaging threat scanning and detection
US Patent Application 15/693,367, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for AI-based anti-fraud user training and protection
US Patent Application 15/693,353, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for AI-based real-time communication fraud detection and prevention
US Patent Application 15/693,318, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Israel Cidon, Lior Gavish, Prabandham Madan Gopal, Chandrashekhar Shetty
Distributed encryption and access control scheme in a cloud environment
US Patent 9373001, Filed: June 2016
Israel Cidon, Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish
Robust restoration of passphrases from partial information
US Patent 10050795, Filed: March 2016
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
Modification of files within a cloud computing environment
US Patent Application 20140019497, Filed: January 2014
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
Encrypting files within a cloud computing environment
US Patent 9262643, Filed: December 2012
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
System, method and computer readable medium for file management
US Patent 8977661, Filed: December 2012
Ziv Bar-Yossef, David Kadouch, Michal Levin, Tomer Shmiel, Tal Cohen, David Oren, Adi Mano, Philip A. McDonnell, Eran Ofek, Haran Pilpel, Asaf Cidon, Yossi Matias, Marissa Ann Mayer
Generating Additional Content
US Patent Application 20160026727, Filed: June 2011
Asaf Cidon
Cloud Based Operating and Virtual File System
US Patent 8527549, Filed: February 2011
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation utilizing AI models
US Patent Application 16/949,863, Filed: November 2020
Mohamed Hosam Afifi Ibrahim, Marco Schweighauser, Asaf Cidon
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation utilizing anonymized datasets
US Patent Application 16/949,864, Filed: November 2020
Marco Schweighauser, Lior Gavish, Itay Bleier, Asaf Cidon
System and method for email account takeover detection and remediation
US Patent Application 16/947,074, Filed: July 2020
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for electronic messaging threat scanning and detection
US Patent Application 15/693,367, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for AI-based anti-fraud user training and protection
US Patent Application 15/693,353, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish, Michael Perone
System and method for AI-based real-time communication fraud detection and prevention
US Patent Application 15/693,318, Filed: July 2017
Asaf Cidon, Israel Cidon, Lior Gavish, Prabandham Madan Gopal, Chandrashekhar Shetty
Distributed encryption and access control scheme in a cloud environment
US Patent 9373001, Filed: June 2016
Israel Cidon, Asaf Cidon, Lior Gavish
Robust restoration of passphrases from partial information
US Patent 10050795, Filed: March 2016
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
Modification of files within a cloud computing environment
US Patent Application 20140019497, Filed: January 2014
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
Encrypting files within a cloud computing environment
US Patent 9262643, Filed: December 2012
Asaf Cidon, Gopal Madan Prabandham, Israel Cidon, Shetty Chandrashekhar, Lior Gavish, Barak Srour
System, method and computer readable medium for file management
US Patent 8977661, Filed: December 2012
Ziv Bar-Yossef, David Kadouch, Michal Levin, Tomer Shmiel, Tal Cohen, David Oren, Adi Mano, Philip A. McDonnell, Eran Ofek, Haran Pilpel, Asaf Cidon, Yossi Matias, Marissa Ann Mayer
Generating Additional Content
US Patent Application 20160026727, Filed: June 2011
Asaf Cidon
Cloud Based Operating and Virtual File System
US Patent 8527549, Filed: February 2011
Magazine Articles
Asaf Cidon, Tomer London
An interview with Mendel Rosenblum
ACM Crossroads 18
Asaf Cidon, Tomer London
An interview with Peter Levine: academics as founders, teaching entrepreneurship
ACM Crossroads 18
Asaf Cidon, Tomer London
The role of academia in the startup world
ACM Crossroads 18
An interview with Mendel Rosenblum
ACM Crossroads 18
Asaf Cidon, Tomer London
An interview with Peter Levine: academics as founders, teaching entrepreneurship
ACM Crossroads 18
Asaf Cidon, Tomer London
The role of academia in the startup world
ACM Crossroads 18