XRP: Using eBPF to Accelerate Storage Functions![]() With the rise of single-digit microsecond latency storage devices, the software of the OS storage stack is becoming the primary bottleneck when accessing fast storage devices. We are designing a new framework, XRP (eXpress Resubmission Path), that uses allows storage applications to bypass the OS storage stack when submitting storage requests. XRP can lead to 3X better latency and 3X better throughput for common operations, like index lookups and aggregations.
PublicationsBPF-oF: Storage Function Pushdown Over the Network, Ioannis Zarkadas, Tal Zussman, Jeremy Carin, Sheng Jiang, Yuhong Zhong, Jonas Pfefferle, Hubertus Franke, Junfeng Yang, Kostis Kaffes, Ryan Stutsman, Asaf Cidon, Under submission, Arxiv 2024
XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF, Yuhong Zhong, Haoyu Li, Yu Jian Wu, Ioannis Zarkadas, Jeffrey Tao, Evan Mesterhazy, Michael Makris, Junfeng Yang, Amy Tai, Ryan Stutsman, Asaf Cidon, Usenix OSDI 2022, Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award BPF for Storage: An Exokernel-Inspired Approach, Yuhong Zhong*, Hongyi Wang*, Yu Jian Wu*, Asaf Cidon, Ryan Stutsman, Amy Tai, Junfeng Yang (* equal contribution), ACM HotOS 2021 ArtifactsTeamPhD students: Ioannis Zarkadas, Tal Zussman, Yuhong Zhong
MS students / undergrads: Jeremy Carin, Sheng Jiang, Michael Makris, Evan Mesterhazy, Hongyi Wang, Yu Jian Wu TeachingSpring 2024: new class (EECS 6891) on eBPF and extensible operating systems
Fall 2021: class project in EECS 6897, distributed storage systems Fall 2020: class project in EECS 6897, distributed storage systems OutreachInitiated new programs for Columbia's CE/EE 3-2 transfer students
Hosted Columbia/Amazon SURE fellow, Hailey Onweller Funding |